Child Care Program Activities

In October, several activities were carried out within the framework of Society Biliki’s Child Care Program.
Lasha Jashashvili, a psychologist of Society Biliki’s day center “Skhivi” carried out art therapy activities with the children of the day center. In the first stage, children sculpted different figures with plasticine and painted the wall with paints. Art therapy includes the following creative activities: painting, sculpture, music therapy, and corrective fairy tales. Art therapy activities give children the opportunity to realize their creative abilities, develop them, raise their self-esteem, explore their feelings and emotions, and manage them.
Society Biliki’s psychologist Nona Nadiradze planned and implemented a three-day training course with the children of Biliki day center on the following topics: conflict in our life, causes of conflict, and strategies for its resolution. Goal: children should be able to recognize a conflict situation and determine its type, understand their own behavior strategies in a conflict situation, and develop effective action skills.
Joint activities were held by Gvantsa Nazarashvili, a social worker of Society Biliki, and Laura Shobrova, a Czech intern, with the beneficiaries of the small family house in Khashuri. Gvantsa and Laura informed the children about the importance of teamwork and its main directions. For two hours, the children were involved in activities aimed at strengthening the team and sharpening and maintaining healthy relationships with each other. The process was carried out cheerfully and, at the same time, helped the children to develop important teamwork skills.