Society Biliki’s Child and Youth Development Center

Society Biliki’s Child and Youth Development Center offer the following services:
1. 0-7 Early Intervention for children with developmental delays. Purpose of the service: Intervention of 0-7 children with a developmental delay or such a risk, with the help of a routine-based approach, in the natural environment for the child - at home, in the garden, in the center, or in any other environment. A number of beneficiaries: 140 children are involved in the service.
Financial support: Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons From the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia; Gori Municipality City Hall, Polish Aid, ADRA-Georgia.
2. Rehabilitation-habilitation of children and adults under 0-18 years. Purpose of service: Strengthening of child and family; Maximum realization of the child's physical and intellectual functional potential; Promotion of general health, improvement of quality of life, and inclusive development process. A number of beneficiaries: 30 children are involved in the service.
Financial support: Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons From the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia; Polish Aid, ADRA-Georgia.
3. Project: "Hand in Hand".
Purpose: To promote the development of 0-7 years children with disabilities, developmental disorders, or such risk, who live in Gori municipality, and are involved in the Early Intervention Project, in order to enable their involvement in preschool and school life. Target group: children aged 0-7 with disabilities, developmental disorders, or such risk. A Number of beneficiaries: 100.
Financial support: Gori Municipality City Hall.