April Activities

In the framework of the USAID Civic Education Program, the following activities were implemented in April:
1. A week dedicated to the International Day of Health Protection was held in Khidistavi public school of Gori Municipality. Within the framework of the week, the following activities were carried out with the involvement of the civic education club "Change" and student self-government: Students prepared an electronic information poster to inform the school community and village community and placed it on the school's Facebook page; Students planned and implement an informational meeting with students of the basic level on the topic: "Access to health care, law, and current practice" They carried out a small survey on the t topic: "Women and reproductive health". 226 respondents participated in the survey (parents of students, family members, and teachers), and they made an analysis and prepared the presentation. The students were in the medical clinic together with the teachers, and they also invited a doctor-reproducologist and adoctor-colposcopist to school. "Supporting parents' club" also attended the meeting together with schoolchildren. The doctors talked about the importance of health care, reproduction, cancer screening, the importance of vaccinations, ways of prevention, and more. In order to raise awareness about the importance of health care, students made posters and flyers and distributed them in the school and village community, students also filmed an animated video. At the end of the week, students organized a flash mob in the schoolyard on the topic: "Be on guard for your health".
2. Within the framework of the small grant project "The key to the future", an exhibition on the topic of rights was organized in the 9th public school. The goal of the project is to inform students and parents about their rights and duties, respond to existing challenges, and promote the formation of a legal culture. Within the project, students collaborated with art teachers, and with their help, they created works of art, which included sculptures and posters made of non-traditional materials. In order to express their opinion, students made works of art with the following title: "Everyone has the right to learn", "Everyone has the right to live", "Everyone has the right to be healthy", and "You are powerless against nature". During the meeting, the students talked about the ongoing small grant project and made a presentation on what non-traditional art is. The compositions will be exhibited for the school community and school guests for one week.
3. Within the framework of the USAID Civil Education Program, with the support of the "Heidelberg Cement" company, the students of the Akhaltsikhi public school of the Kaspi municipality visited the Parliament of Georgia with their teachers!
4. Within the framework of the USAID Civic Education Program, a poster competition was held for the students of partner schools in Shida Kartli. Youth created digitally designed posters and they presented the problems on earth - climate change processes, challenges, and possible solutions; The posters reflect the youth's attitudes towards the problems on earth.
USAID Civic Education Program is implemented by PH International with the financial support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID). The program is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. In the Shida Kartli region, the partner organization of the program is Society Biliki.