Sharing Experience - Slovakia

As they say, it's better to see once than to hear a hundred times! Participants of the study visit, representatives of 6 regional municipalities, state employment agency, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and media attended many interesting meetings.
They visited a rehabilitation center in Dubravka, cafe "Rodnička", social enterprise "Vasko", and the regional development center of Banska Bystrica, and were acquainted with the possibilities of employment of disabled people as a sheltered workplace within the framework of social responsibility of "McDonald", talked with the management and beneficiaries. Interesting meetings were held at the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, where the representatives of the Ministry introduced measures, programs, and projects related to employment support, and talked about the development of an ecosystem of the social economy in Slovakia. The participants of the visit had the opportunity to meet the Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Mrs. Eva Stavrovska, and to hear from her about the tasks, responsibilities, and activities of the Commissioner. A special meeting was held at the office of the partner organization TENENET, which is one of the largest non-governmental organizations in Slovakia and implements a number of projects in various directions to support different vulnerable groups. Along with the well-planned and interesting meetings, participants had the opportunity to visit the DEVIN castle – the monument of Slovak history and sightseengs of Bratislava It should be noted that all participants of the study visit brought interesting for their information from Slovakia, which they will implement and share in their work.
As for the representatives of Society Biliki, they saw first-hand the role, perspectives, and directions of the organization, which will help expand its activities.