Peace Corps Representatives Visited Society Biliki

On June 28, 2022, Peace Corps representatives, Scott Beale, Associate Director for Global Operation; Sarah Dietch, Director of Peace Corps Response; Jeffrey Goveia, Country Director; Director of Programming and Training Rene Rohrs and Program Manager Tika Revishvili visited Society Biliki.
The Head of Association Marine Mgebrishvili introduced the activities of Society Biliki to the guests, then the guests viewed a photo exhibition presenting the activities of the Peace Corps volunteers and talked about the long-term cooperation between Society Biliki and the Peace Corps volunteers.
The staff of Society Biliki expressed their gratitude for the contribution, sharing experience, and great support from the volunteer side.
The meeting participants also talked about the results of specific collaborations – Pattye Volzz took an active part in organizational and communication plan development, Rachel Goldberg created a club in the handicraft studio where day center beneficiaries used second-hand materials to create new items. Volunteer Rachel Bair conducted an interesting and necessary training on the topic "Play as an opportunity of the relationship between child and parent" at the day center, and Sara Pipe-Mazo established a cooking class.
Sara's case gave me the motivation and pushed me to start something new, to share my experience with my students. This was a great opportunity for youth to develop cooking skills to try themselves in this field.” Said Lika Induashvili, a member of the Cooking Class.
Society Biliki has fruitful cooperation with Peace Corps since 2006.