Child and Youth Development Center will open in Khashuri
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) – Georgia, with financial assistance from Polish Aid, commenced a project targeting children and adults with disabilities.
School-Business Forum
On January 25, 2023, within the framework of the USAID Civic Education Program, a school-business forum was held across the Shida Kartli region.
Round Table - Panel Discussion
On December 6, Society Biliki and Slovak organization TENENET organized a meeting in Tbilisi to discuss supported employment and optimization of labor policy in Georgia with the representatives of governmental, non-governmental, and international organizations working in this field.
Study visit
On November 24, 2022, an exchange study visit was held within the framework of the project "Local Investments in Networks for Knowledge and Skill-share (LINKS)”;
Meetings Abroad
On November 7-8, 2022, Mari Tskrialashvili, psychologist of the Society Biliki’s Early Childhood Intervention and Rehabilitation/Habilitation programs, was on a study visit to Israel, to the organization named Beit Issie Shapiro.
More Articles ...
- Sharing Experience To Youth
- Meeting within the framework of Regional Hub
- Paid Internship Program
- Training "Project Writing“
- Training "Civil Activism, Active Citizenship"
- Child Care Program Activities
- Children of Day Centers Visit to the Theatre
- Youth Forum Activities
- USAID Civic Education Program Presentation
- Trainings for youth