Reorganization of Society Biliki begins through the establishment-division (separation).
Society Biliki's New Website:
Society Biliki has the new website, where you have the opportunity to see the updated information. Please visit :
Situational Analysis
Within the framework of Society Biliki’s project Development of Local Employment Policy – Improvement of Disabled People Rights” a situational analysis was created regarding the employment of persons with disabilities in Gori, Khashuri, and Akhaltsikhe. According to the situational analysis, a corresponding report was prepared.
Training for School Self-Government
Within the framework of the USAID Civic Education Program, on September 4-13, 2023, in 4 municipalities of Shida Kartli (Gori, Kareli, Khashuri, Kaspi), trainings were held for the members of the civic clubs and school self-government of partner schools on the following topics:
Working Meeting in Gori Inn
On July 25, 2023, a working meeting of the members of the council working on the issues of disabled people with the municipalities of Gori and Khashuri was held at the Gori Inn Hotel.
4 Days Training Course in Ureki
On July 10-14, 2023, within the framework of the project Development of Local Employment Policy – Improvement of Disabled People Rights, a 4-day training course was held for members of the council working on the issues of persons with disabilities and the working group of municipalities created in the project, in Ureki.
Development of Local Employment Policy – Improvement of Disabled People Rights
From May 2023, Society Biliki implementing the project “Development of Local Employment Policy – Improvement of Disabled People Rights”.
Sharing Experience - Slovakia
As they say, it's better to see once than to hear a hundred times! Participants of the study visit, representatives of 6 regional municipalities, state employment agency, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and media attended many interesting meetings.
Study Visit in Slovakia
April 23-28, 2023, in order to share the experience of promoting the employment of people with disabilities, a study visit to Slovakia was planned for the representatives of 7 municipalities.
April Activities
In the framework of the USAID Civic Education Program, the following activities were implemented in April:
Youth Forums in four Municipalities
From April 4 to 11, 2023, within the framework of the project Civil Society STAR Initiative: CSOs as Sustainable, Transparent, Accountable and Resilient Development Actors in Georgia, youth forums were held in 4 municipalities of Shida Kartli, organized by the Regional Hub of Shida Kartli – Society Biliki.
Director of Kula visited Kheltubani And Pkhvenisi public schools
On March 27, 2023, Ivane Goglidze, the director of the company Kula, visited Kheltubani And Pkhvenisi public schools of Gori Municipality.
Conference – Slovak Aid, TENENT, Society Biliki
On February 21-22, 2023, A conference was held in Gori on the issues of promotion of the employment of people with disabilities and optimization of labor policy.
A study visit in Kaspi Technopark
On February 15, 2023, with the support of Shida Kartli Regional Hub - Society Biliki, a study visit was held in Kaspi Technopark.
Meeting in Marneuli
On February 15, 2023, the presentation of the project “Supported Employment of PwDs and Optimization of Services in the Labor Policy in Georgia” was held in Marneuli municipality.
Semester Summary Working Meetings
From February 9 to 15, 2023, as part of USAID's Civic Education Program, semester summary working meetings were held in 4 municipalities of Shida Kartli: Gori, Khashuri, Kareli, and Kaspi.
Training of Orbeliani Academy
On February 15, 2023, the representatives of "Orbeliani Academy" conducted a training on the topic "Opportunities to study abroad" with the students of the partner school of the USAID Civic Education Program in Gori.
Informational Meeting led by the representatives of the People's University
On February 11, 2023, representatives of the People's University held an informational meeting with the youth of Society Biliki.
Meeting in Zugdidi Municipality
On February 7, 2023, a meeting was held in Zugdidi municipality in the framework of the project "Supported Employment of PwDs and Optimization of Services in the Labor Policy in Georgia”.
11 paintings made by the children of Society Biliki's day centers in Louvre, Paris
We are proud to inform you that on January 14, 2023, 11 paintings made by the children of Society Biliki's day centers were exhibited in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
Meeting on the topic - "Civil Activism and Volunteerism"
On February 7, 2023, the organization "Youth for Community Rights" in cooperation with Society Biliki held a meeting for young people living in Shida Kartli Region on the topic - "Civil Activism and Volunteerism".
Society Biliki’s Child and Youth Development Center
Training "Basic Competencies and Work Readiness"
A 3-day training course on the topic: "Basic Competencies and Work Readiness" was held within the framework of the Society Biliki’s project " "Local Investments in Networks for Knowledge and Skill" (LINKS).
2022 Summary Event of the Regional Hub
School-Business Forum
On January 25, 2023, within the framework of the USAID Civic Education Program, a school-business forum was held across the Shida Kartli region.
Child and Youth Development Center will open in Khashuri
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) – Georgia, with financial assistance from Polish Aid, commenced a project targeting children and adults with disabilities.
Round Table - Panel Discussion
On December 6, Society Biliki and Slovak organization TENENET organized a meeting in Tbilisi to discuss supported employment and optimization of labor policy in Georgia with the representatives of governmental, non-governmental, and international organizations working in this field.
Study visit
On November 24, 2022, an exchange study visit was held within the framework of the project "Local Investments in Networks for Knowledge and Skill-share (LINKS)”;
Meetings Abroad
On November 7-8, 2022, Mari Tskrialashvili, psychologist of the Society Biliki’s Early Childhood Intervention and Rehabilitation/Habilitation programs, was on a study visit to Israel, to the organization named Beit Issie Shapiro.
Sharing Experience To Youth
On November 8, 2022, Tamar Makharashvili and Hayden Nielsen visited Society Biliki and shared their experiences with the youth.
Paid Internship Program
In the framework of the paid internship program, agreements were signed between the receiving, host organizations, and the interns.
Meeting within the framework of Regional Hub
On November 7, 2022, Nino Berianidze and Dimitri Gogiashvili, the Heads of the Education and Youth Departments of the Gori Municipality City Hall, met the youth of the Regional Hub.
Training "Project Writing“
On November 3 and 4, 2022, a training course "Project Writing” was held for the youth of the Regional Hub.
Child Care Program Activities
In October, several activities were carried out within the framework of Society Biliki’s Child Care Program.
Training "Civil Activism, Active Citizenship"
On October 27, 2022, the training "Civil Activism, Active Citizenship" was held for the youth of the Regional Hub.
Children of Day Centers Visit to the Theatre
On October 23, 2022, the children of Society Biliki’s day centers visited George Eristavi Gori State Drama Theatre.
Youth Forum Activities
The youth of Kaspi continue to implement activities within the framework of the project "We create, we build" initiated at the youth forum, the purpose was to get information on electoral rights and responsibilities.
USAID Civic Education Program Presentation
On October 6, 2022, the opening ceremony of USAID Civic Education Program was held at Gori State University.
Trainings for youth
Trainings were held for youth on the Topic: "HIV infection". The goal of the training was to raise awareness among young people about HIV infection so that in the future they can share the knowledge in their own society.
Presentation of External Communication Manual
On September 20, 2022, Nana Sukhitashvili, the INSPIRES project coordinator introduced the External Communication Manual to the employees.
Laura Sobrova
Laura Sobrova is a Caritas College student of International Social and Humanitarian work in the Czech Republic. She has a practice course at Society Biliki from August to November 2022. She introduced herself, the university, and the country to the employees of the organization.
Guests at Society Biliki
Within the framework of the INSPIRES (Illuminating New Solutions and Programmatic Innovations for Resilient Spaces) project, Karolinka Mikova, Director of PDCS, Natia Gofodze, Executive Director of Partner- Georgia, and Milena Mitagvaria, Program Manager visited Society Biliki.
The presentation of the results of the "Summer Camp 2022"
On September 14, 2022, The presentation of the results of the "Summer Camp 2022" was held at the Gori Municipality City Hall.
Outgoing activities for the children of Society Biliki’s day centers.
On September 13, 2022, Biliki’s day center beneficiaries were hiking on Gorijviri mountain. Together with their teachers, the children decided to go hiking on Gorijvri mountain, they planned various fun activities and entertaining games.
Civic Education Club from village Khidistavi
18 socially vulnerable students will have internet access at home thanks to the initiative of a school civic club!
Access Students in Boston
From July 25 to August 8, 2022, the students of Society Biliki’s project English Access Micro Scholarship Program (Access): Luka Mosiashvili, Lizi Berianidze, Davit Robanishvili, and Rati Begijanashvili were at Boston University within the framework of the exchange program CELOP Fundamentals of Leadership.
Bakuriani Summer Camp 2022
Bakuriani summer camp was opened for young people at the initiative of Gori Municipality Mayor Vladimer Khinchegashvili.
Training for the beneficiaries of Day Centers
On August 11, 2022, a training on the topic "Prevention of the COVID-19 Pandemic by Promoting Hygiene among Adults" was organized by the non-governmental organization "Civil Society Development Center" (CSDC) for the beneficiaries of Society Biliki’s day centers.
More Articles ...
- The Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation
- Lectures of "Moving People's University"
- Meeting with representatives of the private sector - USAID Civic Education Program
- Presentation of the survey results
- Peace Corps Representatives Visited Society Biliki
- Working meeting within the framework of the project LINKS
- The presentation of the USAID Civic Education Program
- English Access Microscholarship Program
- Training – Public Speaking
- Ambassador Kelly Degnan visited Society Biliki
- The works of Shida Kartli Regional Hub
- Supported Employment and Optimization of Services in the Labor Policy in Georgia
- International Day for the Rights of People with Disabilities
- The seminar in Gori city - supported employment and labor policy optimization
- Training for professionals working with people with disabilities
- 10 სექტემბერს საზოგადოება „ბილიკში“ სამოქალაქო კლუბის ლიდერებისათვის ჩატარდა ტრენინგი
- მცირე გრანტის პროექტი „გახსოვდეს''
- 25 სექტემბერს გორის დემოკრატიული ჩართულობის ცენტრში გაიმართა მოსწავლეების შეხვედრა
- "სოციალური მედია, ბლოგინგი და კამპანიების წარმოება"
- ღონისძიება ყინწვისში